Sunday, 13 November 2016

Is a Toblerone a triangular prism? - Maybe

I started this blog in a flourish of enthusiasm when I started going into the classroom...Then reality and exhaustion kicked in and i've been looking for a way to restart this ever since. So, given I have a lesson observation tomorrow now seems like the perfect time!

So there I was reviewing the papers on Radio Humberside and, as is now becoming customary, the host Andy Comfort blind sides me with a maths related question.* What is the correct name for the shape of a Toblerone? Apparently there had been some debate as to whether it was a prism or triangular prism. Naturally, and without thinking, I said it was a triangular prism. Then on the way home from the studio I got thinking. This is not a prism. (credit)

A triangular prism is a prism with a continuous triangular cross section. On this definition, each individual piece is a triangular prism (if cut correctly), as is the box but clearly the whole bar is not.  The best I can come up with is each prism is connected by a truncated ovoid therefor, is a Toblerone a prism?

It depends what you are talking about but the bar itself is not. Its a series of triangular prisms connected by truncated ovoids.

Now, back to the lesson planning!

* So far i've managed bits of calculus 3D shapes, multiplications and various bits of numeracy.... One day I'll have a brain fart and embarrass myself for all time and lose all confidence of parents!

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